PARS MABANI CATERING means Quality, Dimensions and Routes of Taste with destination a uniquely rich and originality state - of - art Catering.
HYGEINE IS OUR PRIORITY which complies with international accepted Hygiene and Safety standards through the implementation of the HACCP System from a plane dish to the most complete menu and always in the spirit of perfection.
To provide these high standards, we incorporate the following which distinct us from many traditional Companies:
¨ Periodical examining incoming ingredients, processed foods and food preparation equipment by a fully equipped Microbiological Laboratory, which enable reliable bacteriological assessment.
¨ All personnel continuously participating in training programs and various related courses.
Our team of dedicated and talented professionals shares the company’s vision of creating a wonderfully unique experience for each and every client.
We will strive to empower our employees, using teamwork and innovation, to build a successful company that is a responsible corporate citizen.
The type of cuisine shall be continually and widely varied but in keeping with the tastes of the personnel.